Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hi! I am voting YES on PROP 2 and if you live in California, you should too.

The argument has been raised by some AR (animal rights) groups that this bill does not go far enough and shouldn't be passed.  I understand this argument.  BUT... this is a change that can happen now.  And sure, it's not going to make the life of most animals a whole lot greater, they will still suffer and die.  But, its a wonderful first step.  I am thrilled about the work of Wayne Pacelle the current head of the Humane Society.  (Read about him in this NYT article).  AR is playing with the big boys of agriculture now.  It's a step AR needed to take.  All of the other AR methods and directions are of course incredibly important and valuable, but all fronts are needed to end the culture of factory farmed food in this nation.  GO PROP 2!!

Yes on Prop 2


Amey said...

Hey Noonietoons!
So exciting to have another vegan blogger in Santa Cruz!! whoo hooo! I'm enjoying your blog. And certainly excited to vote yes on Prop 2.

Wanted to tell you also where I got the Peppermint Ritter Sport candy bars - from the Corralitos Sausage Factory (of all places!). Have you ever been there? It's the little market in Corralitos. They actually have some interesting import items.

:) Amey

Unknown said...

Wow! this made me laugh out loud! No I haven't been there- but have heard about it from those who are into cheese and meat. Now I have a reason to join them- I will definitely check it out! Thanks so much!

Yes! it's nice to have a SC vegan community. Are you a part of the vegan meetup? I have never gone to an event (new baby) but will before too long!

Thanks so much!