An update on the food elimination trial for the baby's skin-
I am back on soy (thank god! have you ever met a vegan that didn't eat soy? I have, but he really only ate sprouts and I don't like sprouts that much). So only wheat/ gluten (yes two different allergies, but for my purposes omitted together) and nuts are void from my diet these days.
So.. in rejoicing in the re-admittance of soy into my diet I went to san fran twice last week to see my awesome friend Margy while she was there for a conference.
First on Thursday eve I met her at her hotel room and we drove the less than one mile to a chinese restaurant (that was supposed to have fantastic veggie meat alternatives. Without eating wheat (and yes, I realized later that almost all soy sauce has wheat, so probably ate wheat with this meal- it's like starting to be vegan all over again!) we choose some tofu based dishes. We got a tofu with mixed veggie sort of dish- which was standard and a lemon curd yuba dish. I've tried yuba (it's the skin off the milk when they make the tofu) in a few different forms. This was not one of my favorites. It was fried and it left the roof of my mouth scratched and sore. But for some reason it's chewiness and super sweet lemony sauce made me keep eating it. And then my mouth was even more raw and sore.
On Saturday we tried to eat at Greens a place I've always wanted to patronize, but the Gods were not in our favor, as the pouring rain cancelled our picnic of Greens to Go, as did the fact that we walked in at 5:05, which was 5 minutes to late for their to go counter and a cranky baby wasn't going to fly in a nice restaurant like Greens. So we went to the Herbivore, an old standby and a little more forgiving for baby noise. Dinner didn't go so well, with Margy and I taking turns to eat so that one of us could walk with the baby. Yep, he wasn't ready.
the Herbivore is good though, and they had something for me with my dietary issues (pad thai with a tomato base, no nuts!). We seem to go to the Herbivore every time we are in San Fran- which is fine I enjoy it and they have vegan breakfast foods which is my most favorite food to eat out. But this is like, um- trip number 6 that involved the herbivore- so it's time for something different. Any suggestions?
part II.... Maggie Mudd and my ice cream obsession
I will leave you with a little bit to be thankful for- more pictures of our free ranging neighborhood turkeys- there were at least 30!! in our driveway on Monday! And today I counted 31 in the yard behind the house. I might argue that is too many turkeys in one place. I feel like we live on a turkey farm. My dog is sick from eating lord knows how much turkey poop. But two of our neighbors feed them the best turkey food on the market and it's paying off, that and our dwindling population of coyotes, and I'm sure they are too big for the bobcat to take on now... who released these things?? (the USFWS)
Look at these handsome boys!!
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